mardi 14 mai 2013

The big day

Today is judging day! The finalists nervously chowed down their food before heading off to the Exhibit Hall. Delegates were not allowed in so the finalists were left to their own devices. For the Prasad boys that meaning is much more literal. The judging was separated into two sections. The first section of over three hours was intended to give the judges a general idea as to where each of the finalists should finish in their respective categories. The second section(another three hours) affords the judges an additional opportunity to look at the projects while considering certain finalists for specialty awards. We will have to wait till the big night to find out. Here are the finalists in their formal wear. A sharp looking bunch.


The finalists were treated to a well deserved dinner(not to worry parents, lunch was served during the break between the two judging sections). After dinner, the students had the opportunity to choose from one of many movies to watch on a plethora of big screens across campus. The favourites amongst the group were The Amazing Spider Man and Here Comes the Boom. Unfortunately no takers for Les Miserables. The finalists are currently soundly asleep, possibly envisioning our trip to historic Waterton tomorrow. 




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