lundi 20 mai 2013

Downtown Lethbridge

Our final day included an afternoon and evening in Downtown Lethbridge.

 Ride'em cowboys and cowgirls! 
Snow cones and popcorn.

The Owl Acoustic Lounge.  One of the businesses on the Scavenger Hunt (we won 2 out of 3 prizes!)

 A wonderful dinner at Miro Bistro in our own room in the wine cellar!

 Our only rainy evening, spent in King of Trade
The 3 Musical Musketeers.

Public Viewing and Project Takedown!

The final public viewing followed by project takedown!

Our Bronze medalist, Devika.

What a treat!  Just take the pages and tape off and walk away!

Best in Show!

vendredi 17 mai 2013

The Big Day, Awards Ceremony and Dinner

Another beautiful day and everyone is dressed up.

 Someone has to hold the IDs and purses.

A great looking group.

 The Surrey Gang!

The Delta Gang!

 The whole team, finalists and delegates.
 The Brother Act!


Smile, Graeme!

Team BC and a NS finalist

 Team BC and Michael Plischke, Science Fair Foundation of BC

Our Medal Winner! Bronze Medalist, Devika Vishwanath, Seaquam Secondary

Calling Home!

Marnie & Meagan MacKenzie and Flat Stanley!

 The team congratulates our medalist!

Our table entertainers!

Bronze tastes good!

jeudi 16 mai 2013

On the road in Southwest Alberta. The best things come in threes.

After a quick breakfast the gang headed off to their tour day. Our first stop was a visit to Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump.

On our way to the bird sanctuary.

At the Alberta Birds of Prey. A non-profit bird sanctuary for orphaned and injured birds.

The sanctuary has opened up wetlands and attracts native pelicans as well.

More from the eagle flying show.

On our way to Waterton.

These are real deer folks.

No need for lawnmowers.

Kids will be kids(pun intended)

Safely buckled in.

Putting the wind to good use.

Back home after a long day. "Name that tune" organized by the U of L Student Union.

Dance, Dance, Dance!